Abdominal training


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This application helps you to burn fat, get abs and keep your abdominals.Training abs 7 minutes coming!Just 7 minutes for the sexy muscles, flat and firm.Just 7 minutes for a body in perfect V.Just 7 minutes for abs scored at home or at work.The training consists of 14 exercises: squats with jump inverted crunches, plank outstretched arms, russian twist, bird dog, burpees,crunch outstretched arms bridge leg, leg pumps, board, idly crunch, mountain climber, bridge, bicycle crunch.These exercises are all working your abs and back muscles.
Characteristics :
✓ Free and easy✓ 3 difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard)✓ Workout Log✓ 10+ abdominal exercises✓ Reminder Set✓ daily reminder alarm so you never miss the challenge.✓ Animation showing how to do each exercise✓ The daily workout routine includes basic crunches, crunches V, bicycle crunches,reaching arm crunches, leg kicks, leg raises, crunches leg-up,Spare keys heels, crunches vertical branches and board with leg lift.
After only a short time, you will see an obvious and significant difference on yourself: healthier, sexier, younger and more energetic. Just install the application and follow the daily routine if you do not train either the perfect app for you. Get 8 abdominal muscles with this app fitness. Do not cheat! Its that simple. Do it every day to get quick results.
★ Do not hesitate to download abdominal workout and thank you to all who use it.